Going Organic: How We Grew Our Calendula Flower Farm
After ten years of searching, Jessica found the property to turn her dreams of growing California Baby’s own calendula flower into a blossoming reality: a 100-acre vineyard ripe for conversion to organic in the rolling hills of California’s central coast.
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The Benefits of Organic Calendula for Skin & Why We Grow Our Own
When California Baby couldn’t find enough high-quality and sustainably grown calendula to make our ultra-pure and pot...

Episode 01 - 10 Honey Bee hives arrive at California Baby's farm!
Today we are announcing the launch of our new podcast - California Natural Living! In honor of World Bee Day, our founder @jessicaiclisoy talks to second generation bee keeper Ray Olivares Jr. @ohbeeshq about how they will work together for an organic solution for a world-wide phenomenon called Bee Colony Collapse Disorder. In addition to their beauty, bees are an essential part of sustainable agriculture.
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Our Organic Calendula Farm’s Thriving Ecosystem
Here’s the thing: organic farming is so much more than the pesticide-free produce you pick up at the farmer’s market. It’s an integrated way of managing our relationship to the land and the life it supports that prioritizes ecological balance and resilience.
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