Unscented vs Fragrance Free Body Wash: How to Choose the Right Product for Your Family
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Best Creams for Eczema on Babies Faces
Ninety percent of baby eczema occurs on their faces — the chin, cheeks, forehead and sometimes the scalp. Although chronic eczema in babies’ faces can linger into their toddler years and beyond, it’s most common in their first six months. It's a frustrating process and one we hope to shed light on to help parents understand and treat their baby’s eczema.
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Is Vaseline® a Good Diaper Rash Cream for Baby?
It’s normal to want a fast solution to curing diaper rash. Something that will make the problem and the pain just go away right now. The truth of the matter is there's no cure-all for diaper rash and prevention is the name of the game.
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Take Control of Your Health & Manage Chronic Conditions With Chinese Medicine -Special Guest: UCLA's Dr. Hui
In this podcast episode, Jessica speaks with Dr. Hui, a professor, and director of the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. Dr. Hui's specialty is blending modern biomedicine and traditional Chinese medicine to empower his patients to take control of their health and manage chronic conditions.
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